Expertise based on experience.

We bring extensive experience working with International NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, UN Agencies and with governments at the national, regional and local levels in a broad spectrum of emergencies including natural disasters, epidemics, pandemics, conflict ... you name it.

We are skilled disaster managers with 46 international deployments to 25 countries and a combined 37 years in the field.



We are ‘pracademics’ in the truest sense of the word: we have combined our extensive field experience with rigorous research and study at the highest levels. We have an established publication record. We are practiced in leading multi-country reviews conducted via a variety of methodologies, including focus group discussions with a variety of key informants and stakeholder groups.

We are also practiced at conducting structured and semi-structured interviews with key informants and technical working groups: this includes surveys, questionnaires, desktop reviews, and secondary data analysis. We have the proven ability to develop context-specific statistical analyses comparing pre- with post-disaster indicators in a manner which combines quantitative research with qualitative indicators.

Improving Emergency Response


We have deployed with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) Societies as Head of Emergency Operations, Health Coordinator, Team Leader and Shelter and Settlements expert, and with Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) MSF as Logistics and Air Operations Coordinators.


We’re clinicians, leaders, and educators with experience working within the primary healthcare model with remote communities in Australia.


  • Completed an end of program evaluation of the IFRC’s Ebola Virus Disease operations in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Performed an endline evaluation of Save the Children and the READY Initiative’s three-year initiative to augment global capacity to respond to major disease outbreaks

  • Conducted a Vulnerability Assessment for UN Women that mapped vulnerability data in the Pacific and recommended ways to conduct vulnerability assessments in gap areas for the Pacific Humanitarian Protection Cluster

  • Developed Housing, Land and Properties (HLP) capacity building curriculum for the IFRC and Red Cross societies in the Asia Pacific region

  • Conducted an end of program evaluation of Save the Children and the Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) consortium’s emergency response in Vanuatu aimed at mitigating the impact of COVID-19 and Tropical Cyclone Harold

  • Evaluated the performance of the IFRC’s Global Tools, the Emergency Response Units (ERUs) over ten years of deployments and provided practical recommendations to improve the ERU system

  • Developed the IFRC’s “Health in Emergencies Guidelines” for Central Asian and European Red Cross Red Crescent Societies

  • Technical review, revision, and contextualization of the Emergency Response training for Pacific Island Red Cross emergency responders

  • Evaluation of UNHCR’s response to the L3 IDP Emergency in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Technical review of the IFRC’s Public Health in Emergencies (PHiE) training, ensuring its adaptability to the evolving global context

  • Evaluated the IFRC’s Field Assessment and Coordination Team’s (FACT) performance in slow-onset disasters and made practical recommendations to improve its suitability to purpose

  • Developed Emergency Health Curriculum for IFRC’s core Community Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) program

  • Development of Remote Emergency Care and Maternity Emergency Care curricula for remote practitioners in Australia